SuperOrg.net_Project Description (.pdf)
Ecologies of Steel by Fry +Willis (.pdf)
Agenda 21 for Culture (.pdf)
The Fourth Pillar of Sustainability- summary (.pdf)
Past Present Future by Fry (.pdf)
A Path to the Future- essay on SYC proposal (.doc)
PROJECT- Artists and the Built World (.pdf)
RMI Report on Cleveland (.pdf)


Mittal Steel Landscape Plans (.pdf)
Walmart Green Position Paper (.pdf)
Cement Global Warming Culprit (.pdf)
Lower Manhattan Civic Exchange Kiosk (.pdf)
Consumption Flows at SYC (.doc)
E_Gov_ Digital Governance (.pdf)
Walmarts Knowledge Colony System (.pdf)
What is Slag Cement (.pdf)
Environmental Benefits of Slag Cement (.pdf)
Plant Species for Phyto-remediation (.pdf)
Slag Plants at Nine Mile Run, Pittsburgh, PA (.pdf)
Slag Grinding increases in Cleveland Area (.pdf)
Slag Soil Remediation (.pdf)
The Urban Wild Symposium 2005 (.pdf)


Art 4 Sustainability Proposal (.doc)
Design Criteria Matrix for SYC site (.pdf)
ODOT_Process_Amended (.jpg)
A4S Workshop Agenda (.pdf)
A4S Workshop Participant List (.pdf)
A4S Workshop Program (.doc)
A4S Workshop Outcomes Approaches (.doc)
A4S Workshop Outcomes Actions/Goals (.doc)
A4S Workshop Outcomes Industrial Land Use (.doc)
A4S Workshop Outcomes Integrating Innovation (.doc)
A4S Workshop Outcomes SYC/Harvard Ideas (.doc)
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